Saturday, July 25, 2009

Can u repair Jeep Wrangler Soft-top zippers without going to a dealer???

Jeep Wranglers with soft-tops have about 5 zippers that have to be repaired one for the door windows whch take a 8 c and the back and side windows which take a 10c: Coil zipper windows always have problems either not closing or slider or part breaking:: regards Connie

Can u repair Jeep Wrangler Soft-top zippers without going to a dealer???
ya i guess you can but you have to find someone who will deal with those big things. however if your top is just junk and you need a new one id just buy a new one cuz sometimes its way way cheaper then taking it to someone whos gonna fix it and charge you an arm and a leg. or if your jeep still has the original manufacturers warranty they will replace it for you because the soft top isnt a wear and tear item they replaced mine when my back windows zipper got stuck. but again check some sort of reupholster place for cars or even a boat top repair place if you can find one of those since boat tops and jeep tops are close to the same thing.
Reply:Yes! I just has my soft doors done last year with heavy duty marine zippers and tinted window material for about $100.

I also purchased a complete Smittybuilt replacement top for around $200.

This is about 10% of what the dealer wants. Bestop is a great product, however, Smittybuilt uses a heavier material.
Reply:yes they can be replaced if you can find an upholstery shop that does that kind of work,my wife does this in Tennessee's and its harder to do than it sounds but she has done a lot of them before,just call around ,and someone can do it for you,good luck,i hope this help,s.
Reply:If the zipper came off, you can crimp it back on temp. till you can find a fabric or shoe repair shop.


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